It has been a while since I have written anything new for my website. I have been focused on growing some other avenues to spread my message, but it is time for me to get back to my first love; writing. In the past several weeks and months I have been working diligently to grow this little message and movement to reach men and women, fathers and mothers, sons and…maybe a few daughters, too. I have been blessed to connect with many of you through social media as I love reading the (mostly positive) comments that I get from my “Daily Man Among Boys Message” reels.

Thank you for following my accounts and interacting with me there. I also thank you for the requests to expand the message, through longer videos and podcasting, as well as “where can I get some swag?”. I am excited to say that these things are in the works! And, mostly the reason I have not been writing.

I am grateful!

My message is simple. Be a man…among boys. Be an intentional dad to your sons. Work hard to connect with them. Raise the next generation of great men. I define “man among boys” in this way:

During the years that I coached high school sports, the phrase man among boys was used quite often.  It described an athlete who was superior in many ways to the other boys.  He may have been bigger, stronger, faster, or just possessed far greater skill in the sport than anyone else.  You may have heard this phrase used in many other settings as I also have.  Regardless of if it is sports, education, work, or any other arena, a man among boys is a person who is exceptionally more knowledgeable and skilled amongst his peers.  Usually, this person serves as a leader and the one that the team looks to when they need an answer or some heroic feat when the game is on the line.

Isn’t this the role a dad should be to his boys?

I certainly believe it is. He should be a man among boys.

When I began recording the “Daily Man Among Boys Message” reels on social media, I meant for it to be used as a conversation starter for dads who need help connecting with their sons. I did not realize that it would be received in so many unique ways.

I receive messages from young men, some even in high school, who thank me because they do not have a dad. A few of these respond to me as if I am their dad. Some of them are watching and listening just to get a positive fatherly message from me. I hear from young dads who are concerned that they will fail their kids and turn into their own fathers. I get encouraging messages from wives who tell me that they show their husbands my videos. One even told me that, “You are also re-parenting these adult men out there.” Wow! What a statement! I love hearing the messages from dads and single moms who tell me that they show my videos to their sons every day. Although my passion is to see men raise better men, fathers of daughters tell me that they are implementing these concepts and lessons as well. I love it!

I am humbled!

Men, if you are ready to be a man…among boys, then I invite you to follow along, actively participate, and put in the work to better connect with your sons (and daughters).

Do you have what it takes?

The answer is, YES! You do have what it takes. We all do.

Connect with me on social media, help me spread the message, and let’s raise the next generation of great men!

Thank you, men and women, dads and moms, sons (and of course daughters)! The message is growing, and some great things are coming!